在敞軒內(nèi)檐下我們可以看到一塊木制的匾額“共登青云梯”,它是原書法協(xié)會(huì)主席啟功先生所題。 (乾隆御碑前)
在一樓東門的門楣之上,我們可以看到一塊木制的匾額,這塊匾非常的有意思,您看一下右手邊第一個(gè)字,非常象我們現(xiàn)在所寫的東西南北的“東”字,但是這塊匾額是清朝時(shí)期所題,在清朝時(shí)期并沒有“東”字的簡寫,“東”呢應(yīng)該是第三個(gè)字,這個(gè)字就是我們東岳泰山的“泰”字,“泰岱東來做翠屏”,意思就是說:巍巍的泰山也不過是光岳樓東面一座翠綠的屏障。作者用非??鋸埖氖址?,來形容這個(gè)樓閣是非常的高大和宏偉的,它的作者就是清朝著名的詩人施閏章。施閏章字尚白,號(hào)愚山,安徽宣城人,當(dāng)時(shí)官居山東的學(xué)政,他有個(gè)學(xué)生非常給他露臉,就是《聊齋志異》的作者蒲松齡,施閏章就是蒲松齡的老師。施閏章在做山東學(xué)政期間曾經(jīng)斷過聊城一個(gè)非常有名案件—— 胭脂案,后被他的學(xué)生蒲松齡載入《聊齋志異》當(dāng)中,就是我們的看到胭脂姑娘的故事(在我們湖心島的望岳亭重檐就繪有胭脂姑娘的故事,故此島也叫胭脂島)(一樓室內(nèi),古城模型邊)請大家到室內(nèi)來。
Light on Floor
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We have before us the magnificent tall light tower is well-known mountain floor.
Yue floor light of national historical and cultural city ----- Liaocheng symbol. Ming Hongwu it for seven years (1374 AD), now has a 631-year history. According to Yue floor light in Liaocheng city center, in the construction of the pavilion's main role is to: "更漏strict, long-term perspective to see the enemy, time alarm," the military role. Pavilion reflects the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing architectural construction to a transition in the history of Chinese architecture has a high status, so in 1988 when it was named the state's key conservation units.
Yue-kwong floor area of 1236 square meters, the appearance of four ridges重檐歇山cross the street-style pavilion, with east, west, south and north of four arches, the same four, the amount of tickets above the door puzzle, South said, "civilization", North Saying "Wuding," West said, "Lai-hing," East said, "Peace." From the building structure on it and at the same time the construction of the Xi'an Bell Drum Tower the same as the main building by the pier and is composed of two parts, we can see that the masonry structure with a high of nine meters (accuracy is 9.38 meters) is Piers, Piers is located in the main building above the height of 24 meters, the entire tower height and the bottom edge of the pass are 33 meters long, that is, the nine ancient Zhangting九尺, nine in ancient China as the number of very positive, meaning its height is not exceeded. 631 years ago, Yue-kwong, Liaocheng city has been building the highest most magnificent buildings.
The rest is up to please visit with me and other buildings. (At the beginning of登樓)
Because the construction of the pavilion at the time it is the military role, so this is the only channel up and down a relatively steep slippery stairs, we登樓attention at the foot of the time.
Xuan檐下within the open we can see a piece of wooden board, "Gordon Green has a ladder", which is the original calligraphy by Mr Qi Gong Association title. (Qianlong御碑a(chǎn)go)
In front of us is that this monument of the Royal Qianlong Chapter poetry monument system. Emperor Qianlong had been Dongchang 9 (5 times Tour East, southern 6th, 9th through the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal pass by here), six登樓, improvisation upstairs做詩13, this monument is inscribed on the integrity of the 5. Monument surface 2, two碑陰, there is one side of the monument.
Carefully may have found the middle of this monument marks disconnect, leave had been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, the historical records, there are two of the Royal system Qianlong stone, only to resume after the Cultural Revolution from a piece, another piece has been I am sorry come.
We have this piece of stone has its unique heritage value. This is mainly reflected in two points, we focus on the monument side look at this poem. First of all, we see the fonts, Qianlong emperor in Chinese history is a very talented emperor, in his writing throughout his life has reached more than 10,000 on the first, he stayed in various spots of the word is also considerable, but Qianlong emperors in other places to stay for Cursive characters or lower case font, you see this poem, it is行楷fonts, this font is rare, it is more valuable, this is one. Second, this poem is the Qianlong emperor 55 years when 80-year-old by the last登樓title, 80-year-old Emperor Qianlong wrote very few poems, so this poem is quite meaningful, and we see him write the word the vigorous and effective, smooth flowing, we can see the emperor's calligraphy, we are very simple and honest knowledge of. If you are interested in calligraphy, one can try to figure out a careful look.
Here with me now please.
(The first floor of the East Gate)
East Gate in the lintel above the first floor, we can see a wooden plaque, this plaque is very interesting, you look at the first word right-hand side, very like what we are now written by the North and the South's "East" word , but this board is the title of the Qing period in the Qing Dynasty, and there is no "east" of the abbreviated word, "east" it should be the first three words, the word is that we Dongyue Taishan's "Thai" characters, "泰岱Tsui East to do ", meaning to say: The Towering Taishan mountain is merely a light green floor, the east of a barrier. The authors used a very exaggerated way to describe the tower is very tall and magnificent, it is the author of the famous Qing Shi Runzhang poet. Shi Runzhang word is still white, No. Yu Shan, Anhui Xuancheng, and at that time Shandong Xuezheng官居, he is to his students get, that is, "Strange," the author of Pu, Pu Shi Runzhang is teacher. Shi Runzhang Shandong doing Xuezheng Liaocheng been broken during a very well-known cases - rouge case, after loading his students SONGLING "Strange," which is why we see the story of the girl rouge (in our Lake Heart Island岳亭look重檐painted rouge on the girl's story, the island is also called rouge Island)
(First floor room, while the ancient city model)
Please come to the room.
The first floor in our room, first of all that we see the model Liaocheng city. It is based on years of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing "Dongchangfu chi" and "Dongchangfu city map" produced. From the chart we can see, we Liaocheng city side of the border is, while it is one kilometer long, is an area of one square kilometers. According to the ancient city is the center of the tall tower is the station we are now the location of light-dake floor. It is the crossroads of the four main road, which is the direction of the four main road of the Founder, was a cross, the other a vertical cross-streets. Overall, as our ancient Liaocheng is a big chessboard, with a bit similar to the ancient city of Xi'an, is the framework of grid mesh grid.
Liaocheng since ancient times as they: "can not lose the Phoenix settlement of the city", that is to say we were Liaocheng in the defense system is very complete, and now we look at the Liaocheng on the defense system. First of all we see is the ancient city wall, you do not have a look at the four corners敵樓every one has a turret, there are east, west, south, north four Shing, Shing Mun outside the box called "甕城"There is a proverb called"甕中捉鱉"refers to the甕城our. Liaocheng甕城with other parts of the甕城is different, because it turned the door is the door, which at that time, it also adds to the defensive. Taiwania甕城outside the high part of the city retaining embankment, the middle for the bridge, the beltway week was a blue zone三丈wide, deep moat of兩丈, defense system is complete.
This scale is the establishment of the early years of the Ming Dynasty stationed in our first Royal Dongchang command Wei Qian Yong Chen built so. Liaocheng was left over from the Song and Yuan Dynasties Tucheng, Chen Yong Tucheng think this can no longer meet the needs of the military at that time, in order to combat with residual Yuanjun, he released a letter to the emperor, the Soviet Union from the Green Power, which is now the Philippine National transported to a number of tribute to the construction of nanmu Liaocheng ancient walls, and then he left with the construction of the walls of the timber and masonry in the city center with the construction of such a military role in the loft floor is light-dake, so building the early days of being referred to as "more than木樓." Also known as Gulou.
Let us now follow the direction of my hand up, in the top of a shrine, dedicated to a niche where a statue, he is the carpenter Lu Ban祖師爺. (In Liaocheng on the construction of the pavilion there are many legends, one of the most popular design that is built in Luban. Legends Yong Chen was ordered to build a floor, when the craftsmen老是拿not see the program, when Dongchangfu to the Music of the Road, a white hair, he left no one with the ax handle, right hand holding a small building in the model, this small building is a nine inch high model of 9. an old request to see a carpenter Road left a small building model. and then they broadened the basis of this model to start building floor 100 times. works very well, good floor, it will encounter a new problem, the original wood floors are always activities, are additional wedge both anxious time, but also a hard wedge. At this time, Road again, he's cut a lot of silent wooden wedge, and then手一指, wedge d fly in all, a little, a lot of , a strong high-rise immediately. Wai House Road and turn three times, followed by a carpenter who also transferred, the transfer to the Road to see that the floor still tilted to the northwest, but see the last section in the northwest corner of his rust axes into the stone floor, under the rules-based, people squinting一瞧, are also building up a genuine, experienced carpenter gods know,叩拜down quickly, and they looked up, have not seen Road, people knew that God Road people, Luban Vision, and therefore, the property completed, people just like plastic Luban here.),
"Representing" the four characters is The Last Emperor's brother in 1988 to celebrate Pujie Yue Floor Light is listed as key national heritage conservation units inscription. Words sent a light-dake amazing floor!
Shrines on both sides of a red couplets can be seen, the joint is: "Zhi, Shandong and Thailand, west of the Yellow River, the moonlight濤聲, lean on a railing is infinitely good wine." Is下聯(lián)"layer of Taiwan launched the book (the book魯仲連shot喻燕will be), micro-township (殷紂Wang period, the closure of Kai brother here, said the country sub-micro) Mingzhi, outstanding,登樓have余馨tone. "寫景the Alliance, described the geographical location of Liaocheng, who wrote下聯(lián)that Liaocheng has always been outstanding, and the board這座樓, you can record reminds us of the great performance of the ancients. This is one of a King who couplet is Liaocheng Prefecture in 1933 the system孫桐peak, in October 1992 by a professor of Shandong University, a famous calligrapher Mr. Jiang Weisong re-written.
Now we take another look at the main components of the tower. The pavilions are all mortise and tenon wooden hasp pavilion, the main frame in its structure, not a nail used. I now hand the root of this column on both sides of the red wooden pillars hold a total of 32, we can be in the house number to 12, while block 20 is within the walls. Pavilion Pavilion is a frame structure, the wall would not be brought down by floor, brick wall rain only play the role of the wind as a major supporting role is that of the 32 wooden pillars, wooden pillars that we are now called Kim, because it is the tall, the locals also call it pass Tianzhu, its height is 11.58 meters, from the first floor has lead to the third floor, which is a whole root of the wooden pillars, there is no disconnect in the middle. This is the wooden pillars of the Soviet Union from the green country of the Philippines is now the country by the sea by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to Liaocheng to us, and it is a group of kung wood, then wood is tribute to the ancient city wall built Liaocheng, you can that at the time of the military status of Liaocheng is very important.
Dongguan had Beiguan Street Bridge is, and Fu Guan Memorial Hall in the North East First Street.
Fu, Meng true character, he is well-known historian, educator and social activist. Peking University has done on behalf of principals, heads of universities in Taiwan and so on. Fu's life, done a lot of deep impact event. He founded the Institute of History, chaired the Longshan Culture in Shandong Chengziya Yin Ruins in Anyang sites and the excavation work. He is of modern intellectuals in the outstanding representative of a school's academic master of both Chinese and Western, is also the pride of Liaocheng.
Stand this, I give you light to talk about the origin of the name of mountain building. The beginning of light known as Yu Yue木樓floor, which is the remainder of the construction of walls built of wood, also known as "Drum" Ming Chenghua 22 years after the overhaul floor light Yue, Yang Dongchang can知府because Dongchang located, will be renamed as "floor Dongchang" Koji prescribed nine years (AD 1496), the Ministry of Examination員外郎Gong Li Chan Dongchang passing, with the金天錫Prefecture Dongchang the floor board. Lee Chan significant appreciation of the pavilion. He is standing on the station we are now the location for the eastern side of the lines seen on the Mountain, is said to back四五十年ago, when the storm really can see the Mount Tai. In ancient times, the eyes of Taishan Mountain is so Chan-Lee in his "Poem title sequence optical Yue House" in said: "The Adams House sighed, and the world, which is, though Hwanghak, they should look Yueyang al. Is this century is still lonesome down without having the name, do not also屈乎?天錫is with the comment of the said Order: Optical Yue House, lesser light in the near Lu also岱岳. "mean that is close to the pavilion Dongyue Taishan, Taishan Shenguang is subject to the blessing, so named Yue-kwong, are still in use.
If it is indeed the house of God or the gods Taishan, or wells that lotus or warning, or the protection of Liaocheng good people or man-made, the tower 631 years ago, the size of the fire has not happened once. 631 years, it has been standing in the center of the ancient city of Liaocheng, Liaocheng witnessed the history and vicissitudes of life, it is Liaocheng city landmarks, history and culture is also a symbol of Liaocheng.
Well, we light on the mountain on the floor of this end, the following are free to visit us about ** minutes after we set the ground floor.
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